Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Off to the Fat Farm

Seriously, folks. It's Weight Watchers time. As you ALL know, I joined the Y a few months back, and I've been very diligent about going. A few fondue nights aside, I have also been very good about what I'm eating. I haven't logged every bite, or every calorie, but I've never been a big eater, and I can't eat a lot at once. Because I can't eat gluten, most fast and easy junk food is already off limits--thankfully!

Before Beezie, I never had a problem with my weight. I walked a lot, ate normally, and essentially stayed the same weight. I didn't even gain a ton of weight when I was pregnant.

The day I had Beezie

Fast forward to post-Beezie. Worth it, but this muffin top is killing me!

I received my "end of the month" summary from the YMCA for the month of March. Apparently, I burned almost 9,000 calories, the equivalent of 24 ice cream sundaes. That should have made my day, except I FREAKING WEIGH THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT AS I DID AT THE BEGINNING OF THE MONTH. How is it possible to burn that many calories, curtail my eating habits, and not lose a single pound? I should have eaten those 24 ice-cream sundaes!! Apparently, nothing I'm doing is helping anyway. Why not ride off into the fat sunset aboard a hefty banana split?


Can someone please point out what I'm missing here? Just in case you think I'm a lightweight at the gym, here's my weekly routine.

2-3 (60 min) water aerobics classes
1 (60 min) Zumba Class
1-2 (60 min) Body Sculpt Classes
Misc cardio during the week--walking, hiking, bike riding, etc

Am I destined to be fat? Why am I either gaining weight, or breaking even? Why can't I lose weight to save my life? Is it harder to lose baby weight? Will you still be my friends if I am XXXL for life?


LJ, DC and ML said...

oh poor bestie, I feel your pain. I lost very little weight until ML was a year old and then it magically fell off for no good reason whatsoever. People say all kinds of different things, some gain weight when they're bfing, others loose it.
I can't wait to see what people come up with and what you find that works for you.
Mmmm, 24 ice cream sundaes does sound lovely doesn't it??

teuscher travels said...

Ugh that sucks! Impressive gym schedule. Do your clothes fit better? Maybe u are building muscle thus month and it will fall off next month, I typically hate when people say that but I know being preggo kills muscle tone! Other than that I got nothing!

Heather said...

Get ready to be more depressed...I trained for a freaking IRONMAN and lost no weight whatsoever. That is 18 hours a week of working out. I'm blaming hormones...

Do you eat much protein? Are there hidden sugars in your food (salad dressings, etc...) I would maybe try focusing on eating clean sources of protein and veggies for a couple of weeks and see what happens...

Trader Joe's deliciousness does not help. I'm glad that they are far away from me...although that ginger chutney is delicious on chicken...

Kristina said...

So frustrating since you have been working so hard!! Do any of your classes combine cardio/weight training in short circuit intervals that really shock your body? (30 Day shred-esque) I'm finding that is working best for me this time + my normal running. I'm still on the chocolate & diet coke diet too... so maybe that's what's helping? ;) I still have a ways to go though. Post-Baby fat is way worse that anything else to burn off.

Ashley said...

It's all so exhausting. The worst is that as soon as you kill yourself getting it all off, it's time to do it all again! I'm exhausted. It's exhausting. I agree with Heather that it really could be muscle--I usually gain a little weight or stay level when I first start training. Beyond that, I don't know, are you drinking full-calorie cokes? AS IF!

brooke said...

Stop drinking whole milk. I'm kidding of course. I actually had an obgyn say that to me when she thought I was gaining to much weight with one of my babies.

I have no idea why you aren't taking the weight off. I honestly had to cut out treats completely and not eat after 8:00 pm for Club Phat. It was COMPLETE TORTURE. It sounds like you don't eat a lot of treats though. I honestly couldn't believe how much crap I was eating until I wasn't allowed to eat it.

Anyway, enough about me. That totally sucks especially when you have been working so hard. I do think Weight Watchers is the end all-be-all for losing weight. It will work.

Good luck my friend. I think you look great. And if it makes you feel better, I've put back on four pounds. I'm heading back up!!

Carly said...

I strongly advocate that you stop weighing yourself and just start focusing on how you look, how you feel and how your clothes fit. I swear scales lie. Speaking of which, when was the last time you calibrated your scale? stick a 5lb weight on there and see if it's accurate.

Molly said...

I'm going to give some advice below, but really I just want to say that sucks and wallow in your sorrows with you. I know people whose weight stays on til they stop breastfeeding, I know people whose weight is gone after 6 weeks, and I know people whose weight never came off. I'm pretty sure there isn't one road that's right for everyone. So I'm going to say sorry and that sucks and I hope you figure out the right combo for you soon!

Now that we all know this is sucky, I'm gonna give some hard-core advice:

1) Track your calories. You don't have to do it forever, but you should do it for AT LEAST a couple weeks until you know how to stick to the limit. I am going to send you an email about this right now, but for blog comments sake: write down everything and if you aren't sure, round up, because rounding down is doing you no favors. I am always shocked when I start tracking my calories, because I'm always taking in more than I think (even when I'm being healthy).

2) Concentrate on interval training and weight lifting instead of the cardio. I gained weight the first time I trained for a marathon. I run because I like it, but I don't lose weight by running. To lose weight, aerobics, zumba, walking, hiking, etc. should compliment the interval and weight training, but not the other way around.

(Don't believe anyone who says maybe it's muscle weight. Muscle weight only makes a difference when you're a huge weightlifter. For the rest of us, the difference is insignificant.)

Westerlind's said...

That sucks! I had the same problem after I had Hayli. Those pounds just would not come off and I gained a lot of them (48 of em). I feel your pain. I think it's having babies in your 30's. I did not have this problem in my 20's. I know this sounds dumb but I was desperate so I ordered P90X. I did those workouts religiously and lost 4 inches in the first 4 weeks. Hope you can find what works for you.

Lindsay said...

Two words: chicken korma!

I hate that Indian food is so addicting and yet so bad for you! :(