Sunday, April 10, 2011

Time to Put Up or Shut Up

I remember reading an interview Jennifer Aniston did about Bangelina. She said her therapist gave her one session to bellyache, wallow in her sadness and anger, and complain away. But after that session was over, she didn't want to hear one more thing about it.

I am Jennifer Aniston, and my excess weight is that skank-ho Angelina.

I am not about to let her ruin my life, or run off with my super hot man!

Yes, my last post was a little on the angsty side. I was super annoyed. I allowed myself one week to complain about the lack of weight loss, but I am back in the game. I joined Weight Watchers last night, and started the program today. It's super simple and kind of fun. I have already learned not to blow the bank on peanut butter--a whopping 5 points out of 29 total for the whole day. Tomorrow I will be skipping the Skippy.

On to brighter, greener, and skinnier pastures. I am back on the wagon, and I'm going to lose the weight. My friend Ashley pointed out that is HAS to work, because it's math. And math can never be wrong. I trust her--she was a Mathlete.

I can't argue with that calculator. If she says it will work, then so be it. Skinny jeans, here I come!


brooke said...

She is going to kill you for that picture.

Thank you for posting it!!!

It will work because it simply comes down to calories in versus calories out. Ashley will never ever listen to be bitch about not losing weight. She will always just say, "What are you must be eating more than you think."

I love having a sister who like Jennifer's therapist, won't listen to my lame excuses.

Angelina will always be a ho-bag.

Good luck! YOu can do it!

Jennifer said...

Oh my goodness! How the heck did you get that picture? I absolutely love it!

When ever I need to shed a couple of pounds, I watch a couple episodes of Biggest Loser, and hit the gym with a little extra motivation :) But it doesn't sound like motivation is a problem for you. Good luck! And that's not sarcastic ;)

Lance said...

At least you have a better look going on than our special mathlete; but then again, she does have skills; math skills. You'll be fine baby!

Ashley said...

Sigh. I am going to have to put up one of those "Please do not republish my unflattering photos without permission" things.

But if I have to be the poster child for math, I will be it, because I am a firm believer that

Calories in < calories out = weight loss.

Go figure.

Ashley said...

And I resent Lance's comment!

Heather said...

Math doesn't work...I am proof. Seriously...I burn way more calories than I take in (I have Lance Armstrong's calorie counter to prove it) and nada on the weight loss. I have stumped quite a few trainers and I'm off to see a nutritionist on Wednesday. Seriously...I would blame Ashley if I could...

Stephanie said...

You should borrow my kids for a couple weeks. I swear, everytime a bite is halfway to my mouth I have a little beggar next to me asking for the rest.

Molly said...

HAHAHA! I love that you posted Ashley's mathlete picture!! Although if anyone is going to teach us all how to lose weight, it is that mathlete. She gets it done. No messing around with that girl when she's in weight loss mode.

Elizabeth said...

Also when you are bitching about not losing weight the last thing you want is someones else's weight loss story right. So sorry here goes: about 4 years ago I wanted to lost about 15kg (about 30 pounds). I did WW and exercised like mad. For 4&1/2 long excruciating weeks I dropped nothing!!! It was the worst. I was pissed off all the time. But then it started to shift and has never come back. Good luck and keep up the good work. Ashley is right move more and eat less and the kegs will go.

Also Ang & Brad deserve each other.

teuscher travels said...

Good Luck! It is always so eye opening when you start tracking the calories - I hear you on the PB!! And eating out basically disappears when I track, blah. It took me the longest time to realize that it wasnt the working out, it was the eating - you can really eat it all back in the snack after if you arent careful! Obviously both help:) but we did the math (Ash and I would have been buds in Calc:)) in one of my classes - 3,600 calories for a pound which might help when they send you the calorie count - thinking a little over two pounds is less depressing than 9,000 calories. Hopefully it comes off quickly for you and you are wooing Donnie with your hot bod in no time!!
PS you are awesome for being so committed, I get going and then tell myself the few extra pounds arent noticed:)