Sunday, April 24, 2011

Peter Cottontail

Last year, Peter Cottontail brought us Beezie in a basket. That was a wonderful Easter surprise!

This year, he brought us Beezie's first ear infection. That was not a wonderful Easter surprise.

On Thursday, Lancer had the day off, so we headed down to Gilroy Gardens for some fun family time. Blakely was *very* mellow throughout the day. I mentioned it a few times to Lancer, who thought she might just be overwhelmed by all of the new sights and sounds, but it still seemed weird to me.

The best part of the day was when I tricked Lancer into buying me their huge commemorative mug that you can refill all summer long with ice-cold Diet Coke for a buck. It's $10 up front, but you obviously earn the dough back over the summer. He ran into the food shack for a snack, and I casually asked him to grab one of the mugs, knowing full well that he would come flying out, enraged at the inflated price. Sure enough, he came charging up the hill, asking if I knew how much the mug cost. Of course I did, sucka--that's why I had you buy it!

Thanks, baby!

Fast forward to 4am Friday morning--Blakely wakes up screaming. Not just whining, but full on banshee screams. We went in to check on her, theorized that she might be wet, hungry, cold, etc After a few minutes, it was obvious that she was in pain. We gave her some Tylenol and tucked her into bed with us, which allowed us to reach over and comfort her throughout the night when she fussed.

In the morning, she had a fever, and was acting super fussy and whiny. I gently tugged on her right ear, and she did nothing. When I tugged on her left ear, she went nuts. We took her in, and sure enough, she had an ear infection. We got her prescriptions and headed home for one long whinefest. Poor Beezie--she was so miserable.

She wanted to be held and snuggled all day, and if we were ever out of sight, she flipped out. This pretty much summed up Friday, Saturday, and today--though she started smiling and laughing again this evening, so hopefully the worst is over. On the flip side, she got me out of saying the prayer in church this morning. Thanks, B!

It totally ruined all of our fun Easter plans--egg hunts, egg dyeing, cute dresses. It was all a bust. She was so grumpy we just decided to wait until later this week to do her basket when she is feeling better.

Thankfully, we got her picture taken with the Easter Bunny earlier this month, so at least we have a cute picture.

I don't like the bunny, though. He looks like a weird version of the Nesquik bunny. Right??

Isn't the Easter Bunny supposed to be fluffy and white, not skinny and brown? Just sayin. I was too lazy to shop around for a more suitable bunny.

In totally unrelated news not worthy of its own post, I am down 7 lbs on Weight Watchers. Granted, the first 4 were the same stupid lbs I gain and lose all of the time. I could not crack the number on the scale for months, and it finally budged. I am so excited. I can definitely see and feel changes!

I always knew portion control and outright junky eating were not my issues--it turns out that I was eating a few sneaky foods that were packing a serious fat punch. I can no longer eat: peanut butter, almonds by the handful, Nutella by the spoonful, tuna fish sandwiches, chips, chicken korma and ice cream. Seriously--all of my weight gain can be attributed to these foods. They are all banished.
Goodbye, korma! We had some fun times together!

I am still working out a ton--check out what happened to me the other day at the gym! They canceled my water aerobics class (I am totally upset!) so I was scrambling to find a fun, upbeat replacement. I remembered hearing some good music coming down the hall a few times, so I ducked into the class, even though I was a few minutes late.

When I got in there, everyone was on yoga mats, and the weirdo instructor was rattling on. I thought that it was a strange way start to a dance class, but I dismissed it. After 5 minutes, the lights came on, and the instructor thanked everyone for coming. Oops. I had gotten the time and class wrong--I was actually 20 minutes early for the dance class, and I had caught the tail end of a yoga class instead.
I approached the instructor, and apologized for crashing his class, telling him that I had gotten the time wrong, and that I was really sorry for coming in at the end of his class. I thought he would be nice and accept my apology, but he reamed me instead! He yelled that he should have asked me to get up and leave his class because I was disruptive, and that I had ruined the classes concentration. Um, okay. I apologized again, stating that I was really sorry, and had gotten confused by the schedule. He yelled that he would forgive me once, but that I better not do it again. Dude--don't worry. I hate yoga, and the 5 minutes I spent in your class made me want to drive off a cliff.

Looks like I won't be taking his class to learn how to relax. What a total spazzer!


Kristine Gray said...

"Yay" on the weight loss and sippy cup and "Boo" on the ear infection. Hope the Beezer is feeling better so we can play.

Ashley said...

Seven pounds is awesome! I hope this ear infection is clearing up--you must be going crazy. That is one sick looking bunny--was he at Valley Fair? My kids were scared of him. I'm excited to drink out of our commemorative cups together! Totally worth Lancer's investment!

Heather said...

Isn't yoga supposed to make you more relaxed and totally mellow? That's what I always thought, but apparently, not working for him...he should try the water aerobics.

brooke said...

I love the Quik bunny photo. B looks adorable (but you are right--bunnies should be white and chubby.)

All yoga instructors take themselves way too seriously. You are teaching yoga--not curing cancer. I think yoga is a monumental waste of time. Pilates on the other hand, is a good workout.

Congrats on the 7 pounds! That is soooo great.

Em said...

Your Blakely is absolutely adorable, and I loved your story about the skinny brown Easter bunny. Hilarious.

Also, your tribute to your sister is beautiful. And funny, too! I can tell just how much you loved each other...

Greg said...

I love the story of how you tricked Lancer into buying the mug for you! Something similar happened to us when we were at Legoland recently!

PS--that is a really cute picture of Lancer holding B!