Saturday, July 3, 2010

Utah Baby Shower & Nesting

Last weekend I flew out to Utah for the first of three showers. Mini is quite fortunate to have a long list of people wishing to shower her with love and gifties.

Bon-Bon hosted the shower along with these 2 lovely ladies

They did an amazing job, and whipped up a delightful spread. The peonies smelled divine!

We were able to hold it outdoors in their gorgeous and immaculate backyard. They put up a tent, which kept the sun away, but allowed in a cool breeze. It was a perfect day!

My cousin Heather and her adorable daughter Summer were able to make it. She's due in a few weeks. I'm not sure why I look so large and tall standing next to her.

Mini got all sorts of cute clothes, blankets, and necessities. She's already one lucky girl!

Lancer dressed up--here he is in his finest clothing.

With my nieces Morgan and Taylor

Nieces Kristie and Brookie

We even got an update on the garden sign! Logan finally has some company.

After getting back, I had a little nesting/panic attack. I realized I was 12 weeks away from Le Bebe's arrival, and I still have a ton of stuff to do. I sat down and cranked out some final decisions.

I got this adorable 2 piece bookcase/storage bin from The Land of Nod in white. This will go in Mini's room. I love the vintage vegetable bin style on the bottom. Looking forward to chucking all of her goodies in the bottom bin with minimum effort.

Got this bookcase for the living room, along with some storage canvas totes from PBK for the shelves. Again with the cute vintage accents.

Here are the canvas bins from PBK--I got the hot pink totes, and the bright green totes marked 'Games' and 'Toys' in the picture below. 2 large ones for Mini's room (laundry and toys) and 2 medium ones for the bookcase in the living room (who knows what).

Got this adorable vintage-inspired white peg board to hang by the door. I'm wayyyy too lazy to open up a closet and use a hanger, so this is going to be a lifesaver. I'm going to paint it green, orange, or gray.

And, last but not least, I ordered new ultrasuede cushions for the glider Lancer bought from his co-worker. It has this aged denim on it that's not really stain-resistant. Even Lancer could tell it was worn out and stained. No worries, though. It's a great brand, and I love the mahogany wood. The new cushions are charcoal gray and will great in the nursery. Here's the fabric:

I'm glad I got them ordered, as they take between 8 and 15 weeks. Let's hope it's closer to the 8 week mark.

I'm feeling so much better. I'm not really the Type A, strung-out type but I certainly get in these moods where I feel overwhelmed, and I want things to get whipped into shape ASAP.

What's funny about the 3 pieces from Land of Nod is that they are the only things we have gotten new. Everything else has been used. I suppose that's the one good thing about waiting so long to have kids--everyone here has no room, and they're looking to unload all of their stuff for cheap or free.

Thanks to everyone who came to the Utah shower--it was great to see all of you!


Lance said...

You are the best nester in the west! Mini is one lucky gal!

Tyler said...

I love it all--esp. the cute land of nod shelves with the vegetable bins. I have never thought of ordering new glider cushions. A work friend gave me her old one when I was pregnant with Charlie. It's the most comfortable thing with the ugliest navy cushions. I will follow your genius lead if I can. You are making me nervous with all this bc I have even less time. This is Ashley of course--too lazy to sign Tyler out when I've come this far.

Hayley said...

very, very cute storage goodies. i really like that peg hook deal. lately i've been hanging stuff on our FHE board pegs...maybe it's time i get one like yours.

The Mostess said...

@ Tyler/Lazy Ashley--Lullaby Lane in San Bruno can order new cushions in any fabric and color. I got the fancier set in ultrasuede for stain repellent purposes--a custom set for the rocker and ottoman came to $240. I'll go with you one day if you want to.

No need to be nervous--it's my **first** kid, and I have diddly squat in every category. You will be just fine.

brooke said...

I'm with Tyler/lazy Ashley--everything is darling. Your people know how to throw a good party with a beautiful spread. How come I wasn't invited to the Utah shower? It's okay, it's not like we went to dinner when I came to your neck of the woods or anything:-)

Be sure to post photos when you get the peg rack painted and have all your stuff in place. I'm dying to see it (and Mini's room!)

You are doing great. I started thinking about all this the night my water broke at 34 weeks to the day. I realized I hadn't even pulled the bins from the basement with clothes, dug out the breastpump or put up the crib. You'll be fine!!