Sunday, June 20, 2010

Teatro ZinZanni

If you've ever walked along the Embarcadero in SF, you've probably seen the antique tent that houses the long-running Teatro ZinZanni. The show is a blend of cirque, acrobatics, comedy, music, and singing. Did I mention the gourmet 5 course meal eaten over 3 entertaining hours? This is my kind of evening out on the town!

We've been wanting to go for years, but never quite got our act together and got tickets. And then a miracle happened. The site I write for, SFBayStyle, received an invitation to go. Two people, one great show, delicious dinner. Luckily, I got to cover the story. Plus, I got to take a tour of the costume shop where they make all of their custom creations, and meet the head Costume Mistress. It looked just like a scene out of Project Runway--a million different types of fabric, textiles, ribbons, feathers, etc. It was only lacking Heidi Klum, much to Lance's chagrin.

Sorry, Babe.

The actors in the production interact with the crowd as you're eating. Here's tip #1--if you DO NOT want to be pulled out of the crowd and onto the floor, act like a wet blanket. Don't be funny, witty, and entertaining like me because you're totally signing up for the inevitable spotlight on your head.

As we were waiting for dinner, the spotlight came and I got chosen to act a fool in the middle of the tent with this handsome guy who was smooching all over me as he expounded on the virtues of love.

He made me sing, he made me dance, and I got great laughs when I pointed to Mini and told him that I was "sort of already spoken for." He told me that despite my belly, I still had good moves, which was probably a lie. This is where tip #2 comes in --if selected to act a fool, go with it and have fun. No one likes a boring participant, and you're never going to see anyone again anyway. You have to truly commit to being a fool for laughs.

The dancers and acrobats were outstanding--we were blown away. It was much cooler than anything I have ever seen in a Cirque du Soliel show. Check out the show if you can--this particular production runs through August 15th.

For my official write-up, you can go HERE. It was so fun covering an event--I had forgotten how much I love writing. I'm going to try and hit at least one event a month, and work on some of the book ideas I've had in my head for years. Lancer challenged me to draft one of the kids books I have been working on, and I accepted his challenge. If I lose, he does not get Heidi Klum. Sorry again, babe!


Angela said...
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Angela said...

You should write and often at that...... you have a great gift. I made the same move with photography and photojournalism last year and I am surprised how quickly I picked up 4 newspapers as regular clients and many families and weddings that are paying. It doesn't pay the bills but I am happily doing something that I have always wanted to do. Go for it you would be fantastic!

brooke said...

You are a good sport and I wish I could have been there to see you pulled out of the crowd. It doesn't surprise me at all that you were chosen.

I'm going to read your piece tomorrow--I've got a bachelorette post to write!