Thursday, December 24, 2009

So, I'm Kind of an Elf--it's a Long Story

Last year we got to attend an ugly sweater/gingerbread house making contest. This year, the lovely hostess added a new baby, a new calling, and her husband has been working so much they flew his twin brother in to help out. It's all good that she canceled this year's party.

HOWEVER--I had picked up a nifty sweater vest at Savers in April. So I proposed a fun and festive FHE--Ugly Sweater Bowling and Hot Chocolate. Who doesn't like these two thing rolled into one fun package? I know I do. Look how excited Inger is!

Here are the "good looking" couples and their "adorable" sweaters--check out Louis' slightly pervy Christmas shirt

Love the face. Hey, you do the crime you pay the time.

Team Smith, showing off their elfin' fun

The gang of ladies--showing off our awesome sweaters and holiday spirit

Team 34 Rock Harbor Lane

Inger showing us a preview of what's to come in, oh, 4.5 more months. This seemed to freak her out a little, since her lil bun in the oven looks more like bread bloat, less bowling ball at the moment

We had some seriously good form on the lanes--especially Evan, who showed off a great spin and the winning score

Every time I got a strike or a spare, I did my elfin' jig. Too bad I didn't get it on film--it's quite charming.

Around this time, the alley manager came over and let me know that "while my holiday spirit was fun, my camera flash was really bugging the hardcore bowling leaguers, and I could only take pictures without a flash from that point on out." Okay, dude. I understand. I would NEVER dream of disrupting the reverence expected on League Night. Flash off.

We dined on some classy fare--bowling alley style

Because I can't eat pizza, and it was 11 pm (time for 2nd dinner) we hit up yet another class joint in the adjacent strip mall. May I present...WING STOP! I know this wasn't supposed to be a white trash bowling night, but I suppose that's an oxymoron.

Mmmm. Kaari liki wingi.

Then the real fun started, Travis "The Topper" Murdock started regaling us with tales of his eagle scout days. His story went a little something like this--"my eagle scout project was rejected because it was too good, too big, and took too much time." He asserted his project took 500 hours and that the end project was a huge cabin of some sort. We garnered a guess that he really built a brokedown kiosk that took a week.

Travis immediately got on the phone with his father to try and back up his story--then he realized it was 11, and his dad would have been in bed for hours. Lucky break, buddy.

Thanks to everyone for another fun night. For those that wanted my homemade cocoa mix, here you go:

Kaari's Cocoa Mix
2 cups nonfat dry powdered milk
1 cup sugar
1 cup cocoa
1/2 cup non-dairy creamer like Coffeemate
Dash of salt
Add 2-4 TBS of mix per mug of water. Top with marshmallows and enjoy!


Lance said...

You are the best elfin bowler this side of the North Pole! I'm really glad you documented Travis' topping. In a few months I get the feeling he will deny that conversation even took place. Now if I could only find a job that would let me curl up and take a nap under my desk; things would be perfect!

Ashley said...

Hey, how come this post never showed up on my bloglines?

And why can I only think about wings now? Yum.

You are a perfect elf. But Louis' shirt is my fav.

brooke said...

This showed up on my bloglines today too. Weird.

I love that the hard core bowlers didn't like the flash. I kind of get the heeby jeebies around the hard core white trash bowlers in their own shoes with their custom balls. I would actually be mortified if I was a really good bowler.