Monday, December 8, 2008

My Sweater Got Runned Over by a Reindeer

And that's why it looks like this:

Yes, Virginia, somebody really made these sweaters. Better yet, I had some lady track me down and beg me to show her where I found it. Ugh. Unless you're a Kindergarten teacher or 80 and senile, you should never wear these holiday monstrosities to celebrate the season.

H and I had a little 'Bring it On' style battle going on. Both of us assured the other that we were going to win. She told me to bring it, and I crisply responded that it had already been broughten! H's sweater had a stupid pouch, but I had on 2 pieces of flair, so I thought that might give me a competitive advantage over the others:

L announcing the ugly winners:

These two ended up being the winners. They won as a team, mostly because Tim (willingly) wore a woman's sweater decorated with the 12 Days of Christmas divided up into different numbered quadrants.

H and I were a little let down. In fact, I'm not sure what burns more...losing the ugly sweater party with my ugly vest (that Lancer accurately pointed out instantly added 15 pounds to my frame) or being rejected as a flight attendant back in the day. I will have to mull that over.

More ugly sweaters:

After pondering our ugliness, we moved on to the next phase of the evening--the gingerbread house competition. People took this quite seriously.

L explaining the rules and doling out the bags of icing:

Hard at work...

My humble abode:

H's roof caved in...

Workin' Away...

Team Pharris works on their campground:

Team Leeflang had the winning house:

Ta-da...the losing house. I lost for the third time in a row in under 24 hours. I wasn't expecting to win this one, though. I didn't even vote for myself like I did for the sweater portion, though I purposely left an 'a' out of my name when I wrote it down so no one would think I voted for myself.


Habs said...

I found your link from Ashley Carter's blog! Your attire and flair unfortunately reminds me of my mother. She is a fourth grade school teacher so she can't really help it. Thanks for the good laugh.

Angela said...

This is super funny- Love the sweater, why is it we transfer from hip to plain unhip and don't even know it?