Sunday, April 26, 2009

33 For 33

Yes, I'm the big 33. I had a totally classy party last evening--pics to come. In the meantime, enjoy these 33 little gems about the Birthday Girl. You know, me.

1. I think I am the only woman on the planet who didn't love Wicked. Some people have seen it 2,3,7 times!! What the?? The Wicked Witch was an amazing villain. She scared the crap out of me in a good way when I was little. And her creepy music? Little bike? Hatred of small yapping dogs? Amazing. She's bad, evil, and creepy. Please don't ruin it for me--I don't need to see her as a PETA member with gravity issues.

2. I lived in Provo for 3 months, and then hightailed it out of there. Then I went to a Catholic University on a fluke. That was funny.

3. One of my favorite quotes is 'tact is for those not clever enough to be witty.'

4. I like cooking, but would be amenable to eating out every single night.

5. I have seen Dirty Dancing, Grease 1 and 2, Bring it on, Weird Science and Sixteen Candles so many times it's obscene. Like, really obscene. Lance often ponders about all of the good I could have done in the world with the time spent watching these movies. Now that seems like a waste of time.

6. See #1. I like strange and weird things, and I certainly appreciate dark humor. My favorite TV show of all time is Six Feet Under, a weird show about a dysfunctional family who runs a funeral home. I still think about the characters in the show, and find the very last episode haunting. It makes me bawl every time.

7. I still get in a little ride on the grocery carts. Whee!

8. I have this weird patch 'o' red hair that grows on the front of my head. When it's flatironed, you can't see it. But when my hair is curly, that baby pops up and stick out. Lance calls it my "Devil's Horn" and once threatened to baptize it in the Hotel pool on vacation. So rude.

9. I don't really cry. I cry when things are *really* sad, but this is a rare occasion. I have never, not even once, cried when I was happy. I don't get the whole tears of joy deal. But all bets are off if you turn on Marley and Me. Waterworks Central, but that's legitimately sad. I also cried once at a very special episode of the Wonder Years. But that episode was REALLY sad!

10. I think about past and future parties and vacations as I fall asleep each night.

11. I'm naturally a night-owl. I can pull all-nighters with no problem. I hate-hate-hate mornings.

12. I create killer playlists. It's the grown-up version of my killer mixtapes. I should contact all of my past loves and ask for those babies back. On second thought, they can keep them. If you are an ex, and you read my blog, please don't contact me. Remain a lurker. And cherish my fly mixes.

13. I spend a good deal of each day laughing and smiling.

14. I used to order appetizers, entrees, drinks and desserts and only take one bite of each, and then refuse to take home the leftovers. Lance quickly got on top of this bad habit.

15. I love late 80's/early 90's rap. I know all of the words to every crappy song from that era. Hammer, Digital Underground, Salt n Pepa, Skee-Lo, LL Cool J...the list goes on and on. I have yet to meet a formidable opponent for a Rap-Off. Any takers?

16. I am a pop culture freak. I have no tolerance for people who cannot discern the difference between Axl and Slash. Or NSync and the Backstreet Boys. Or Arsenio Hall and Mc Hammer. Kidding--that was a dig at Ashley. But I'm teaching Seminary this week for her, so there's not much she can do with that one.

17. If I had a billion dollars, I would spend 4 hours a day getting massages.

18. Speaking of pet peeves, I HATE the babies in diaper commercials. They are always doing stupid stuff like acting like a traffic cop, dancing to disco, or washing a car. Don't even get me started about babies in diapers without shirts wearing tennis shoes. Urgh.

19. I write stories in my dreams all of the time. I have vivid, bright dreams all night, every night without fail.

20. I can't sing to save my life. But I makes up for it on the dance floor. AWWW YEAH.

21. I would love to live in Europe one day.

22. I grew up in Iowa. When people tell me they're from Iowa, I always run this litmus test by them to see if they are telling the truth: Did you ever have a party in a cornfield? Check. Did said party ever get busted by cops, forcing you to hide in the endless rows of corn? Check. Did you ever de-tassle corn? Check. Turns out you are an Iowan.

23. I will always love NKOTB. Donnie was my first love. No, really.

24. I hate manicures and pedicures, but get them anyway. Nail files drive me freaking crazy. They are one of my biggest pet peeves.

25. I recently found my oldest friend from Kindergarten on Facebook. We were so little when we first met that I couldn't pronounce her name, and called her "Jenifoo." Crazy stuff.

26. I am un-naturally loud and talkative. When I was little my neighbor called me the Cheerful Earful, and every single one of my progress reports from childhood mentioned my "chattiness" and pointed out how much I enjoyed "talking with my neighbors." My teachers moved my desk around over and over until they ran out of people I wouldn't chat with and just gave up. I always had a captive audience.

27. I love my boys. One has better breath than the other and steals my food, but I still love them like the dickens.

28. I put off doing laundry as long as possible. Then I do 12 loads in one day.

29. I have partied with the less-famous Hilton sister. She was just a stupid as the more-famous one.

30. Ooh. I HATE ginormous bows on babies. And babies in buckets, pails, and bowls. I also don't like them in weird costumes with lame props. I'm not anti-baby--I'm pro-baby, actually. They're so cute--why stick a too-large bow on their cute heads and stick them in a suitcase?? (P.S. Sorry if this is your baby)

31. My sister and I call each other salty names to bug our mom. We started doing it in HS, and it still gets her all riled up, so we keep doing it because we're wonderful children. Every tag on holidays and birthdays says things like "skanycakes" or "ho-bag." We always thought the line "knock-kneed bimbos walking like a ho" from Baby Got Back was particularly funny, and all of our present tags since have said "KKBWLAH" on them. We're classy.

32. Depeche Mode is still my favorite band of all time. Probably because their music is dark and weird. I have seen them about 7 times now, and will continue to see them as long as they tour.

33. I love to party. Seriously--my dream came true when I got a shed to hold all of my party goods.

Ta-da! There you have it. Enjoy the tidbits.


Ashley said...

I enjoyed Wicked, but I wouldn't put it at the top of my list. I want a baby girl so I can put big bows on her head--not super huge but I'm sure you'll disapprove! I believe that you make great playlists and I'd love to hear them. I was joking about Arsenio and MC, but you're right I will take whatever you've got for me bc you are my hero. I think the tidbit about despising mornings may have been subconsciously included for my benefit too. So funny about the Christmas present tags--my siblings do the same thing--not always salty names but definitely derogatory and occasionally profane. Your lifelong chatiness is so you and I love it! Hope you've had a fabulous bday season and that 33 is a stellar year!

brooke said...

Ditto to everything Ashley said. I like big bows on babies too, just not huge--I'm totally anti-bald baby girls with no bow-blech.

None of this surprised me. I feel like I really do know you. Happy Birthday--keep it going until Christmas--I drag mine out for at least 2 months.