Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Flattered or Offended??

Lancer is the one who plays with Dobbie most of the time. I take him for the walks, let him help me cook (read: all the scraps he can steal or beg for) and have him in the house for protection when Lancer is out of town. Two days ago, I thought I would take him outside to play catch. Once he got going, he was so excited to play with me he did his crazy "jack-rabbit" run, flying around the yard in circles. After playing for a few minutes, I headed back into the house and found this:

Apparently, he was so excited to play catch with me that he peed all over as he ran his crazy figure-8's. I teetered between offended and flattered, but chose flattered in the end. Then I let him come into the kitchen to eat a box.

Lucky dog.


Hayley said...

tyler and i are LAUGHING out loud at the pee-art. cute logie. i'll show avy his picture in the morning and i'm sure she'll want to come over for another play date :) you know, kind of like if you give a mouse a cookie.

Angela said...

I agree-very artistic- I used to see that same design in my young children!