Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Bedtime is Funtime

We're a team of weirdo sleepers. Let's start with me. I have a weird whistling whistles all night long. Next time you see Lance, ask for the soundbite--he's happy to share. Here's how I am fixing this tonight:
Moving on to Lance. He yammers on all night in his sleep...but I don't get to hear the secrets that he keeps. Nay. I get to hear weird gibberish that sounds like "hum...nummm...numma...sherba....shum..." It's a delight.

He also kicks the covers off, props his foot up on his knee, and scratches his foot...he does this every single night. He always thought I was kidding until he woke up one night in the assumed position, scratching away.

He bought these to fix the problem:He tries to spend a few minutes in them every day. Sadly, they didn't eliminate his foot issues. He reckons that he simply has "latent foot needs" and is now requesting daily foot rubs to fix the "problem." Pshaw.

As he was drifting off tonight, he yelled out "don't be shy with that Breathe Right Strip, Baby!"

I'm sure he will let you know if the strip helps. Sadly, he won't be able to let you know if the daily foot rubs help, because, well, he's not getting them.



brooke said...

You're bringing sexy back. I'm glad to see the romance is not dead in your marriage (just like mine!)

Alie said...

Steve is also quite a snorer... I should try thoses strips. Did they work?

The Mostess said...

You can have mine...I didn't like the way they feel!