Monday, January 14, 2013

Our "Amazing" Getaway

Transitioning back to real life after the holidays was especially tough this year. I did us all a favor, and booked a fun and relaxing trip away for the weekend in Monterey.

I got a sweet steal of a room, and Lancer got us upgraded to a room on the links with a view. Sweet! The property is amazing and boasts 2 pools and a hot tub. My biggest vice besides Diet Coke is hot water. If we had a hot tub here, I would never get out of it. I was SO looking forward to a good soak.

Our first stop was a little museum in Monterey. It was adorable! They have little themed stations--a life size dollhouse, a rocking boat, a garden, a mini golf course, etc. B had a blast.

We had a fabulous dinner at the house restaurant,then headed back to the room to go tubbin. I quickly discovered that a tiny set of hands had 'helpfully' unpacked my suit. While Lancer and B headed down, I made a mad dash to Target to buy an ill-fitting, unsupportive bathing suit. In related news, I have a cute halter top swimsuit top for sale. Used just once!

By the time I got down there, they were already done, and headed back to the room. We decided to switch off, and Lancer went down later by himself, grabbing the electronic car keys because he had to grab something from the car afterward.

He was blinded by the fine hunnies in the hot tub, and took a nice, steamy dip with the keys in his swimsuit pocket.

I totally understand how this debacle happened

The next day, we enjoyed a made to order breakfast, hung out by the warm fireplace, and then packed up to head to the aquarium.

Naturally, the key was zapped, and wouldn't work. We discussed the various options, and decided on the following plan of action:

Take hotel shuttle to airport

Rent a car

Drive home, pick up spare keys, pick up my car

Ditch B with Team Gray (thanks!)

Go drop off rental car at San Jose Airport

Drive back to Monterey

Start car, verify it works

Drive back home

Pick up B and Logan (double thanks!)

Adding insult to injury, the new key that had to be made was $300!! Thanks a lot, Mercedes. Between the rental and the new key, we were out a cool $400. And we didn't even make it to the aquarium.

This week brought the pukes to B, a sinus infection for me, and double conjunctivitis for both of us. Miraculously, Lancer escaped without any illness--probably because of all the chlorine in his pricey, key killing hot tub jaunt!


Ashley said...

I've been waiting to hear the details of this fantastic getaway! So so funny. Why did you drive your car back down instead of the rental? Was it cheaper that way? And what is it that Lancer has that I don't that gets room upgrades? Don't answer that! It was a great idea though--Monterey and Carmel are so wonderful and so close and yet so underutilized.

Carly said...

Glad you made it to the cute museum before everything went awry. So much for a relaxing weekend. I recall that the last time you tried to sneak away for the weekend you ended up getting Gluten poisoned. Maybe you should just stay home and party with the Andersens.