Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Parable

 If you give a girl a Princess movie....

 ...then she's going to ask for a small doll.

 If you give a girl a small doll, she will quickly realize that the doll needs friends. And a Fairy Godmother.

If you give a set of small dolls with friends and a Fairy Godmother, she's going to need a place to live. You must buy her a castle.

If you buy a girl a castle, she will quickly realize that the dolls, friends, and Fairy Godmother are all too big, and demand that you buy a small set of dolls that are just right for the castle. Bonus--they sing and dance!

If you buy a set of just right figurines for a girl, she will quickly point out that transportation is a must. You need to buy a magical carriage straight away.

If you buy a magical carriage straight away, you realize that the just right figurines don't fit. You must buy a set of blocks and figurines that work with the magical carriage.

If you buy a movie, small doll, small doll with friends & Fairy Godmother, castle, just right figurines, magical carriage, and block will just remind her that she needs another Princess movie.

The end.

PS--movie for $11.99 on Black Friday. Small doll going back. Small doll with friends $10. Castle $3.50 from GOODWILL! I have no idea why. It's THE NEW TOY on all of the lists this year. Just right figurines $5 at Big Lots. Magical Carriage $3.50 at GOODWILL. Mega Bloks set $20 for 3 huge bags from Outrageous Outgrowns. I may be giving in, but it's limited to ONE princess, and this crap is meant to last.


Ashley said...

This makes me happy. I am going to show her Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast next time she's over here. Awesome scores on the goods. I hope you give the Goodwill stuff a good boil.

Greg said...

How does B know all of this stuff? That's the scary part of this fairy tale. But I am impressed with your bargain hunting skills.

Greg said...

Kaari, is this parable meant to illustrate why you never want to buy princess stuff for B?

The Mostess said...

Greg--she hasn't gotten any of it yet. Go read "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." :)

Greg said...

Yeah, I don't think I've ever read that book.