Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hanging My Head In Shame

Dunzo?? I don't know. My laptop got hit with a virus before I could verify!

Me: Lance, help me! I got a horrible virus on my brand new laptop. It blocked me from accessing the internet, and wiped my data!

Lance: That's horrible! How did that happen? Did you download a compromised file?

Me: I didn't download anything! I was just on a normal webpage when I got a security alert, and then my computer crashed.

Lance: What site??

Me: Just a gossip site.

Lance: What kind of gossip site?

Me: Just a general one.

Lance: I'm going to need the name so I can submit a security report.

Me: Er, Lipstick Alley.

Lance: Lipstick Alley??? What the??

Me: Yep, just plain ol' Lipstick Alley.

Lance: The main site? What page were you on?

Me: Well, it was a NKOTB gossip thread. You see, I heard Donnie broke up with his longtime (brunette/total doppelganger of his ex-wife) girlfriend, and......

2.5 hours, numerous scans, lots of "what did that guy in India just say???" and more $$ than I care to discuss, and I'm still not sure my laptop is virus free.

I learned a valuable lesson tonight. That lesson is to only read craptastic gossip threads on your iPad, because they're less prone to viruses.

PS--Donnie, if you're reading this, do me a solid and let me know if you broke up with the ol' ball and chain. I didn't get far enough into the thread to verify. You're the best!


brooke said...

The same thing happened to me trying to download a pic of Brad Womack from one of those dodgy sites.

Worth it I say.

But my damages was minimal.

Greg said...


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but if you had to dig that far down the email thread to run that rumor to ground, I'm pretty sure that it ain't true.

If Donnie W. were to break up, I'm sure he's still enough of a celebrity to at least get a mention on TMZ's web site! ;)

Unknown said...

You say "brunette" like it's a bad thing....


Lance said...

Girl can't help it!

Em said...

I would have to agree with Greg on this one, but I've been known to get caught up in some sketchy sites myself. (That sort of makes it sounds like I look at the p-word, which I DO NOT.) But the way articles link from one site to another, it all happens so fast!