Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summa 2011

My once idle baby has turned into a complete and total nutter.

She is on the move 24/7, and is a little housewrecker. Long gone are the days when I could just sit her on a little blanket and attend to laundry while she played nicely by herself. My days are now consumed with chasing, catching, and preventing the choking of Beezie, who is particularly fond of eating small particles off the floor. I watch this kid like a hawk, and she still managed to smuggle a piece of bark into her cheeks and choke on it. Today, she laid down on the floor in an ice rink and LICKED gum that was stuck to the floor.

When I'm not scooping bark out of B's windpipe, here's what I am doing.

Visiting family in Utah. It was so relaxing, I failed to take pics. This is all I got. We hit up Heritage Park, and spent some time in the pioneer village.

Went to Gizdich Ranch for some berry picking with Team Carter and Team Gray. It was hot, and the sun was relentless. But the berries were delish!

B played footsie with Bennett to make up for the fact that she jumped on his back and stole his pacifier at church. Based on his return foot action, he forgave her.

Seeing movies with Lancer. Finally! We've been super lame movie-watchers this year, and it's simply unacceptable. We watched the apes take over SF, and decimate the bridge. Good times. The apes in the cage totally remind me of B in her crib in the morning.

Naturally, we saw Harry Potter, and it was life-changing. Simply amazing.

Went up to SF to visit Auntie Jo-Jo and Auntie Mallory for lunch at The American. They have GF bread, and I always get 2 jalapeno poppers. They're to die for.

Did some stroller hiking. Why, yes, B is in her jammies. At 3. In the afternoon.

B practiced cruising along all possible walls, tables and chairs.

My desire to learn to sew was reignited. I took a machine basics class to make sure it was worth pursuing, and it is. I am now signed up for beginning sewing classes this month. I'm excited to make a simple item. Let's be honest--I don't have the attention span to be a real sewer. I just want to be able to make some banners, dresses for B (as long as they have no zippers or buttons) and holiday runners.
I had a delicious GF dinner in SF with the gals, topped off with a trip to Bi-Rite ice-cream for some salted caramel deliciousness.

Okay, this is a freaky story. I met my friend in Woodside for brunch at a tiny, obscure diner. As I walked in, I saw this totally cute girl who looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. I could tell she was trying to figure out how she knew me as well. All of the sudden she says "were you in my NKOTB Meet and Greet group in LA last weekend??" Um, yes, I was. The group was totally random, and I figured I would never see anyone again. We decided that the universe thought we were too awesome to keep apart, so it brought us back together. Now I can add her to my Blockhead friends.

Spent some time at Gayle's in Capitola, and then hit the beach with Lancer. It was warm, sunny, and breezy--the perfect beach day.

Check out our matching arms--haha!

Had some fun playdates with friends

Rode some rides

Spent some time catching rays and splashing around in the water

Babyproofed the house, on account of B's quick-moving antics. Babygate up!

Visited Ardenwood Farms, and got to meet some animals. B pet a sheep, a horse, and a pig.

I broke down and bought a nice high chair. She outgrew the Bumbo. Well, her butt did.When she stood up, her buns got stuck in it. She got used to shaking it off.

I tried to wing it with a clip-on chair, but B could wiggle around way too much. I bought a cheap one @ Ikea, but when she jumped around, the whole thing moved with her. I finally made my way over to Kid to Kid, and sprung for this one. The added bonus is that a handful of Cheerios can keep her occupied (and tied down) for an hour.

This kid puts food down! Favorites include Ritz crackers, Goldfish, bread, pitas, berries, Cheerios, Kix, yogurt, string cheese, cottage cheese, cream cheese, scrambled eggs, and graham crackers. She also wolfed down my meatloaf and chicken sandwich the other day. She still only has 2 teeth, but puts those gums to work! When she fusses in the car, I pass a cracker back. Little digits reach out, grab it, and then start squealing again about 2 minutes later. Repeat.

I kind of miss the days where she would just sit in the kitchen on the floor, playing with Tupperware and spatulas.

But I wouldn't change a thing--I love watching her little bunsies fly all over the place. She looks like a little animal, furiously making a quick break.

I love this fast moving little critter. She is so crazy now! She flips over and squeals when we try to change her. She flees in her naked glory upon exiting the bath. She claps along to music in the car--specifically, she was rocking out to 'U Can't Touch This.' She waves hello and goodbye, claps her hands when you say "yay" and clap, and still gives the biggest, happiest smiles. She plays patty-cake, and bangs on her food tray when I sing "Peas Porridge" because she knows food is coming. People still stop me 2-3 times a day to comment on how cute and happy she is. It's like having a little rockstar with me all of the time.

Love you, Nutty Buddy! Let's keep this summer going until we can't go anymore!


Elizabeth said...

Oh the Running of the Toddler!!!
I remember those (exhausting) days. She is so cute and you look like you are having an awesome Summer.
I love hearing about where you go to eat too. Yesterday I had lunch at an "American Diner" (we are on holidays) and I got a pickle and thought of you ;-)I also thought of Brooke cos I ate till I was stuffed lol :-)

Also I linked you on my blog... hope that is ok ... you know for my 3 readers...

teuscher travels said...

Looks like you girls have had a fun and busy summer! Your hair looks fabulous in all the shots! I know want to know why in the past our San Fran weekend gets it's own post...but when we fly in from all over we don't even get a footnote!! I guess it is pretty hard to compete with B's cute moving bunsies and berry picking!

The Gilberts said...

Love all those pics!!! She is a cute little bug :)

brooke said...

You guys are having a good summer---enjoy!

I love that you met that other blockhead--you guys are crazy.