Hitting up Nipa Pon for the best Thai around

Laughing with friends
Dancing in a hot, packed, dingy, dimly-lit club on New Wave night doing a special tribute to U2 in celebration of their new album

Singing U2's Pride with the entire club
Adam Ant, Pet Shop Boys, Morrissey, ABC, DM, Joy Division, The Clash... and on and on and on.

Happiness is NOT waking up for early church on the morning we spring forward.
P.S. If I ever talk about DM, I'm referring to Depeche Mode, not Dave Matthews. I think Dave Matthews is all that is wrong with music.
Love Depeche Mode, Adam Ant and the likes- hate 9:00am church. Today I went to 100p hoping they wouldn't recognize me.
I hear you on 9:00 church. Give me 1:00 anyday. I value the sleep-in. We were an hour late today of course.
Oh, the only good thing about 9:00 church is a big long nap starting right after church!!!
How dare you speak that way about Mr. Matthews!
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