Tuesday, August 12, 2008


We did a little camping a few weeks ago with our friends @ Camp Lehi in the Santa Cruz mountains. It's sort of fake-camping, since there are tent sites and full bathrooms. But, it's still camping to me. Lucky for us (NOT) we even got to sleep under the stars...because I forgot the tent. It went a little something like this:

Lancer: Good job on packing the car up so fast!

Me: Thanks, I'm awesome.

Lancer: Where's the tent?

Me: Right there. (Points at blue bag)

Lancer: That's not the tent.

Me: Yes, it is.

Lancer: No, it's not.

Me: Then what is it?

Lancer: (Spilling out contents of a camp chair) Not a tent!!

Me: Crap-ola.

Lancer: Guess we're sleeping under the stars tonight. At least we have an air mattress.

Me: Yes, that's certainly the silver lining.

In my defense, we apparently inherited an odd camping chair over the last few years. I grabbed our 2 normal chairs, and a bag containing what I thought was our tent. Twas not. At least we had 3 chairs.

Sleeping under the stars wasn't so bad--it was a mild night, and the bugs were few and far between. It was a little noisy, and a little bright...otherwise, not so bad.

Rudely, upon my return, our friend said he had a "hard time picturing me roughing it" and that camping with me would be like an episode of "The Simple Life." I may be blond, and danced (soberly!!) on a few tables in my day...but I am no Paris Hilton. And I am not high-maintenance. I have no idea where you people get your strange ideas from.

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