Saturday, July 14, 2012

I Heart Summer

What's not to love? It's warm, it' s lazy, and it's filled with outdoor fun. Here's what we've been up to so far!

We had a Friday Night Fiesta. I think I'm going to make this a summertime tradition. I picked out a few new recipes I wanted to tackle, and went to town. I usually reserve Fridays for pizza, but I will make an exception because this turned out so fun.

We did everything on the grill--everything! Beef, peppers, tortillas. The meat was a lime marinade, and it was TO DIE FOR.

Candace cut the beef up for us, and I wanted her to show off her handiwork. Somebody chose to use the photo as an opportunity to show off her self proclaimed white hot summer hair. Hey, if you've got it, flaunt it.

I also made this DELICIOUS bacon and tomato guacamole. Add this into your rotation. You won't be sorry. Recipe HERE.

The spoils

We spent the cool summer night hanging out on the patio pigging out and chatting while the kids ran around and wore themselves out.

In keeping with the grilling theme, I decided to do an oldie but goodie--grilled banana splits. You basically get the bananas, slice them open, shove them full of chocolate bars, and then wrap them in foil and throw 'em on the grill.

The end result. Don't be scared by the brown peel. They were delicious. Ashley pointed out that a sprinkle of cinnamon would have upped the Mexican factor, and made the dish more appropriate for a fiesta. Duly noted.

We had a fun pool and water day with Team Gray. Kristine, in all her free time, was perusing Pinterest and decided to make a water blob. It's basically a gigantic waterbed on the lawn. I feel like every kid has the right to roll around on one of these in their lifetime.

It was warm and breezy, and the kids had a blast.

Bathing suit tukki. Love it.

We also went on a field trip to Petco with our summer school class. B got to pet a Hamster, iguana, parrot, and turtle. She ate it up.

Colin is our classmate.

We had a picnic dinner in the park with Ingie and Colin. The kids ran around and got their energy out.

But not before laying around on the ground and smooching like nobody's business.

We've also been logging in hours at the park running around with Lancer after work. I'm going to start packing up dinner and taking it with us at least once a week.

B is a total monkey. If there's a bar, she's hanging from it.

We also visited our favorite statuary in HMB. B is interested in the outdoors and gardening. She tags along in the backyard while Lancer is working, and even has her own little set of tools and a wheelbarrow.

It totally has dinos

And fountains

And pots

B was wandering around and found a cute "little boy" that she fell in love with. It was weird.

At first, she just sidled up next to him in the gravel and enjoyed his stone cold company.

Then she started feeling a bit more amorous, and decided to see if he was game fro some smooching.

He was

Atta girl! You're carrying on the time honored tradition of kissing cute boys made of stone. Well done.

UPDATE: Beef Fajita Recipe

1.5 lbs skirt steak
1 tbs chili powder
1 tsp coriander
1 tsp coarse salt
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 limes

Place steaks in nonreactive dish. Combine the spices, and sprinkle over the meat, patting it on with fingertips. Let stand 10 min. Squeeze 2 limes over the top and let marinate an additional 30-60 minutes. Grill 3-4 minutes per side for medium rare.

Update: Water Blob Tutorial:

If Kristine can do it with twins and a toddler, you can do it!


Greg said...

where do I start? the food looks delish, the company looks fun, and seems like the perfect summer evening.

B is such a charmer and your final line about kissing boys made of stone was pretty clever.

You're such a great mom, but I think you may have missed your calling as a party/event planner! Who wouldn't want to come to one of your fun get-togethers??

Elizabeth said...

Your grilled dinner is to die for. Lime marinade sounds like something I would walk over cut glass for.
B is so cute and you all look like you are rockin your summer fun.
I'm very green!

Molly said...

That was some goooooood food. I'm still recovering.

brooke said...

I need the recipe for the lime marinade. And I am making the bacon quacamole.

B is the cutest child on the planet. I would live t get her and Buster together for some good smoochin. The line about boys made of stone was good.

The water bed thing was amazing and made me feel like a bad mom. What the heck? Where did that come from?

The Mostess said...

I will update the post with the marinade recipe, and link to the waterblob project.

Apparently, it's pretty easy. Also only $10!

Carly said...

You do summer right! I'm even more bummed that I missed your Fiesta after seeing what you served up for desserts. The Miamian in me loves me some warm bananas! So what're we up to next week, party planner? :)

Ashley said...

Great post, love the pics of my hair. That food was so good. I am delighted to have that marinade recipe.

The Gilberts said...

Loved our water blob/water pad! wound up using that thing 3 times! First was the best, of course.