Sunday, July 29, 2012

Santa Cruz Staycation

We had so much fun in Napa that we decide to do another local weekender and hit up Santa Cruz, home to the world famous Boardwalk. It didn't disappoint.

We booked a hotel on the beach, which is good and bad. Good because it's so close. Bad because it's "good" for Santa Cruz. We lucked out and had amazing weather the entire time. Sunny and no fog. Amazing!

These two gave the trip two thumbs up!

B is a total Norcal beach baby. She knows what's up. She was talking about the ocean, beach, sand, waves, sandtoys, and boardwalk all weekend long. She had a blast with us.

We had quality family bonding time. We built castles, played in the waves, and lazed in the sun. B chased seagulls pigeons, and barked at the sea lions.

Since we were in SC, we had our fair share of weirdies and burnouts. This one guy was innocently trying to enjoy a day on the beach with his son, and their kite.

But Drunkie McBurnout had different plans. He bugged the family for a solid 20 minutes before the dad came up with a solid plan. He tilted his head to the side, and with a disguised voice, yelled "Go away! You're bugging everyone!"

The drunkie was totally confused, but heeded the advice and scrammed. Lance put this trick in his back pocket. On Friday night, Flock of Seagulls was playing a free show on the Boardwalk. A different Drunkie kept asking if the show was over. We ignored him, but he kept asking. Finally, Lance turned his head and yelled "Go away weirdo!" GENIUS! The guy hit the pavement.

On the way home, we hit up Big Basin, and spent the day hanging out with the majestic trees. We had never been yet, and I'm glad to have it checked off my CA list. It's worth a visit.

B walked tall and carried a big stick

I can't believe we're in August! I'm hitting the rest of summer hard, and not stopping until it's time to bust out the leaves and pumpkins, and put Ashley to shame again.


Ashley said...

If I recall, I put you to shame in the Welcome Fall busting-out-of-the-pumpkins Display off. Besides, this year I'm saving my self for Christmas. But I digress.

Your vacay looks perfect. I am jealous you got to Big Basin--want to go again in Goldfinger? (I need more friends with one kid.)

That trick about tilting your head and disguising your voice is brilliant. I look forward to using it to subtly redirect certain harebrained associates of ours in the future.

Ashley said...

P.S. I was laughing out loud at your comment--Tyler came in and thought I was sobbing. --Farts

brooke said...

I am going to use Lancer's trick on some dudes around here.