Wednesday, May 2, 2012


A few weeks ago, I was fiddling with my wedding ring when I flipped it over and noticed that the band was cracked. Since it's an estate piece, and has likely been re-sized several times, this was to be expected. I took it up to the place we bought it in SF, and dropped it off for repair. They threw in a complimentary cleaning and polish to round out the service.

They called to let me know it was ready, and the lady was SO RUDE. The message included the following snippets:


"It looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a REALLY LONG TIME."

"Warm soapy water and toothbrush a few times a week will go a LONG WAY."

"Under the microscope, we noticed tiny flecks of green and yellow paint all over it, which we removed with some serious work."

The nerve! In totally unrelated news, look how cute Beezie's house turned out!

Don't you just love the colors? It's almost enough to make me forget all about that rude lady and her unfounded accusations of neglect.


Molly said...

Who in the world is ever going to look at your ring under a microscope? (I mean, who of importance?) No one. I never clean mine, unless you count washing my hands. Oh, and my niece found my ring last weekend! So I can say "I never clean" it instead of "I never cleaned" it. Glad to have it back! And glad yours is all repaired! Now go get it dirty again.

teuscher travels said...

The house turned out darling!!! Love the colors, will go great in your backyard! I honestly can't remember the last time I cleaned my ring, and it is just a solitaire do not like it is hard. I have always lived your ring, bet it is extra purty all shined up.

Kristine Gray said...

SO cute! Have you picked out material for the curtains?

Lance said...

I think you mistook some very good advice for rudeness. It's clear she understands how to treat an exceptional, valuable, and very unique piece of jewlery. I'd like to call this lady and thank her.

Lance said...

I forgot to add a big ;) at the end of this. I know how much you luv your bling!

Hayley said...

Love the house! Look at you and your handy work. Before you know it you'll be roasting marshmallows over your homemade hobo stove in b's house.
Seriously, great job!

Greg said...

Kaari, I love this story mostly because I think it shows that you put being a mom who does fun stuff for your kids over having a pristine piece of jewelry. I say: "keep up the good work!"