Saturday, June 11, 2011

My Labor of Love

I have a fun little addition to my party shed--a secret little trunk for Blakely with these classy little ladies in it:



and Samantha!

I love the classic American Girl dolls. They're adorable ladies with a story to tell. I hope to instill a love of history and reading in Blakely, and I think the dolls are a great way to do this. You can't go wrong with a pioneer, a Canadian orphan, and a Colonial gal!

I especially love Kirsten because she's a pioneer living in the midwest. Growing up, Eriika and I wanted to be pioneers so badly. Blame it on Little House on the Prairie. We used to wear our old-fashioned nightgowns, complete with matching nightcaps.

I'm going to start collecting the dolls for B and hiding them in the party shed. When she's old enough, I will give them all to her as a complete collection.

The majority of the new dolls are modern, and the dolls I'm interested in are all retired now. This is good and bad. The bad news is I can't just buy the whole collection at once. The good news is disenchanted teens are selling their entire collections--furniture and clothing included--on Craigslist and Ebay for decent prices. Because I have years and years to complete the collection, I can lowball and wheel and deal for the best price.

As soon as I get a piece, I will add it to the trunk, noting when and where I purchased it.

I think it will be fun to gather pieces from across the US, piece by piece. So far, I have several of the books.

Once she gets the dolls, we can top off our adventures at the American Girl store at the Mall of America in Minneapolis.

I love having a daughter, and I can't wait to share this fun surprise with her down the line. I think she's going to love it!


Ashley said...

You thought I had unbridled jealously before?!? This takes it to a whole new level. I am trying to think of something to collect for boys--but no matter what it wouldn't be the same and they wouldn't appreciate the sentimentality of it all. I might tag along with you and B in a decade or so at the American Girl store.

Angela said...

Oh good I am glad you posted this- because I was going to respond on Facebook when you posed the question about AG dolls. We have all of the classics and I read all the books with my oldest daughter, now I am doing a repeat with my 7 years old. We love them. Infact, Hillary was a featured in the American Girl magazine as a Real American Girl several years ago and they sent her as slew of doll stuff for being the honorable mention prize. AG Dolls are my most favorite thing ever! Glad- you are investing in it now! I tend to gravitate towards the classics vs. the modern dolls as they all have stories to tell! Lucky Beez!

brooke said...

B is the luckiest girl alive. I love the AG books but refuse to buy the dolls for Sammie because she doesn't like dolls...would rather watch shows for teenagers and kiss Luke's friends...heaven help me.