Monday, August 16, 2010

My Baby is Making me Weird

Or, weirder I should say.

I've gone my whole pregnancy without any weird cravings or food aversions. I eat Indian food 2-3 times a week, but that's not unusual for me.

That was before I was a certified huffer. Now, I feel an intense desire to pollute my lungs with the following smells:

Exhaust-I discovered this a few weeks ago when I was driving behind a huge semi that was spitting out noxious exhaust. I couldn't get enough of the smell!

Freon and Coolant--I can't be trusted at Costco or 7-11 alone. I will pretend to look over eggs and ice-cream so I can keep my mug buried in the freezer. Shameful.

And, worst of all, I cannot get enough cigarette smoke! Totally gross, completely sick...but it smells SO GOOD!! Thankfully, everything in California is smoke-free, so Mini hasn't become addicted to cancer sticks while in utero.

Not to be outdone in the smell department, my weird body has also decided that chalk looks like a good snack.

Not "rob an Office Max in the middle of the night" good, but enough of a craving that it became annoying at school while teaching. I must admit I gave in and took a teeny, tiny nibble of chalk to see what the fuss was about before spitting it out. It turns out I'm craving the gritty, chalky texture--not the chalk itself. Now I pop a few Tums every day, and this makes it all better.

My mom waited until I was 8 to tell me I was making her crazy, but Mini totally has me beaten to the punch. I'm already crazy--thanks, kid!


brooke said...

I can kind of understand all of the others but exhaust? seriously?

Sara said...

I imagine you already have, but just in might want to talk to your doctor about your cravings. Non-food substance cravings (pica) can mean mineral deficiencies, so it's a good thing to get checked.

Also, the word verification your blog wants me to type is "fartatco". Nearly fart taco.

Stephanie said...

It's called pica! Well, at least your urge to eat chalk is defined as pica.

I get that too when I'm pregnant. I don't have as many food cravings as smell cravings. I always crave rubber and tennis balls, and laundry detergent. Yum? But I can't imagine liking exhaust!

Ashley said...

Brooke is wrong--the worst is the cigarette smoke! That ain't right. Let me know if you need a chaperone at the Sev. . .