Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Unwelcome Burden

I'm a pop culture genius. There's no two ways about it, I just am. Books, music, movies, TV, gossip, politics, food--if it happened, I know about it. Normally, this is a great blessing. It has helped me in the following ways:

I always win Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture Edition. Always. Don't even get me started on the 80's and 90's game.

I always win every song challenge. If you argue about the singer of a band, or the lyrics of a song, you will lose.

I know all of the best clubs, and how to get in free.

I have a killer iTunes library.

I dazzled my PR teacher with my knowledge of silent film star Fatty Arbuckle on the first day of class. I then became the class favorite for 2 years. Woo-hoo!

I get about 20% more humor out of 30 Rock Episode versus a normal citizen.

I believe, deep down, that every episode of Glee was made for me.

I eat really good food.

I can do period piece costumes like no other, because I know what was up in each decade.

Lately, though, it's become a burden. Every baby name suggestion is already attached to some inane piece of knowledge wedged in my brain.

Peyton--crazy lady from The Hand That Rocks the Cradle!
Sutter-popular street in San Francisco!
Carson--flaming dude from Queer eye!
Harper--To Kill a Mockingbird!
Violet--Willy Wonka!
Evelyn--stupid street we lived on when we first got married, apartment we hated!
Zoe--crappy charachter on Sesame Street!
Stella--already used by Tori Spelling!

I'm totally screwed. I never thought I would see the day where I would be punished for being so awesome and cool.


Unknown said...

Maybe you should name her awesome or cool so she can be cursed for being awesome or cool.

Lance said...

Look Eastward toward Europe!

Toria said...

I can send you Asher's class list for some ideas with global flavor.

maybe you have to go mainstream so there isn't just one pop culture connection. So much pressure. How do you maintain your cool?

and someday tell me what pop culture connections my kids' names have (don't worry, the naming is done) besides Asher being confused for Usher on many occasions over here (the accent throws everyone off)

Sara said...

Nah. I still have faith in you. I'm sure you'll come up with something great. Like...Donny?;)Seriously though-it's BECAUSE you care about all the connections that you will actually pick an awesome name. You've outsmarted the kindergarten bullies already...

The Gilberts said...

Glad "Peyton" topped your scary name-association list. (Would it have otherwise been considered?) I actually tried to rent that "Cradle" movie, but it never worked out. That was Justin's closing argument against the name, before finally submitting to my whines. I've seen many cute Peytons and met my first one at the park last month-- so hopefully the name-association thingy doesn't bog you too much! lol

PS. Not why I chose it-- but Peyton is the name of the gorgeous blonde character on "One Tree Hill" and the cute little lead character in "The Game Plan"

Jeri said...

How about
Madison Ave? (Oh wait, my sister already used that one.)
Liberty Belle? (My sis already used that one, too.)
Chanel No5?
Dakota Sunrise?

Let me know if you need more suggestions. I could go on all day. After all, I do have three girls. :)

Ashley said...

Your blessing is your curse. Names are the hardest. I have given up loving any names I give my children. We loved and still love the name Charlie, but Max and every other boy name we can think of kind of sucks. I would like to watch 30 Rock with you and have you explain everything I miss.

Stephanie said...

Have a list and when you see her you will know! When we had Savannah we were going to name her Samantha or Sydney and I knew those weren't her name!

brooke said...

Now I'm dying to know what you are actually going to name her. No way you two will go with something as pedestrian as Madison or Emma.

I love that photo of you.

Elizabeth said...

This is the problem with being so uber cooool... the pressure to come up with a good name is huge.
How about you be like all LA based (very average) Aussie actors :
Sunday Rose