Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Grocery Gods Must Love Me

Because they stocked the shelves with these delish goodies.

Diet Cherry Coke. The regular deliciousness with a bite of cherry. So good it hurts. How did I not know this existed???

Gluten-Free Chocolate Chex, and his tasty little friends Corn Chex and Honey-Nut Chex--brand new!!

Strawberry Chex is kinda like the weird friend that tags along with the cool friends. My mom said I didn't have to be friends with weirdos, I just couldn't be mean. Strawberry Chex--I concede that others may like you, but I don't. You shall never grace my killer pantry with your sub-par and grody flavor.

And Betty-oh, Betty. You will make my life so much easier and cheaper with your brownies, cookies and even cake mixes available at all of the normal stores.

One day, I hope to be able to go to just one store, not 4 every single week. If I could skip Whole Foods on occasion and just hit Safeway, my life would be so much easier. At least that's what I will tell myself as I munch on a bowl of Honey Nut Chex, followed by a Betty Crocker brownie. After the wedding, of course. No fat bridesmaid here.


Ashley said...
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Rachelle said... I'm starting this gluten free thing with my kids, I think I already mentioned that. Where did you find those cereals? Any tips for a good bread recipe? I've tried many and can't find one my kids will actually eat.
Thanks again for the fun websites!

Ashley said...

That is fabulous. I don't know how you survived without brownie and cake mixes [that you could eat!].

We should crack open some cold Cherry DC's together. Sounds delicious.

wifethereof said...

My world just became a much better place. I'm tearing up as I write this. At last, the bit corporate food giants understand my pain.
thanks for the info.

Alie said...

I am so excited to go to Safeway right now!!!

Thanks for blogging about this.