Thursday, December 1, 2011

Top Ten of 2011

This is one of my favorite posts to do. As the year rolls along, I make mental notes about songs--I love them, I hate them, the lyrics are so lame they offend me, or so great they inspire me. Here goes.

Best Songs of 2011

Adele--Rumor Has It, Someone Like You, Rolling In The Deep. 2011 belonged to Adele--no doubt about it. The raw emotion on her songs is powerful and moving. I sometimes feel like a creepy stalker reading her diary when I listen to Someone Like You.

Snow Patrol--Called Out In The Dark. Best song of the year. Hands down. Watch it HERE.

Good Feeling--Flo Rida. A departure from his earlier sound. Mostess liki.

Mr. Saxobeat--Alexandra Stan. Of course I have to have at least one Euro techno song that will confuse all of my readers. This is that song.

Selena Gomez--Love You Like a Love Song. For shame. Embarrassing, yes, but still better than a Miley Cyrus song. Party in the USA, anyone??

Lil Wayne--How to Love. Not really a fan of his, but I love this song. Good lyrics, and tight beats.

Bruno Mars--Grenade. I love this song. Emotional, powerful, great voice.

Blow--Kesha. Yeah, yeah, I trashed her last year. But this song rules.

Born This Way--Gaga. My one and only entry for her. Adele is the new IT girl. Step aside, Gaga.

Make Some Noise--Beastie Boys. Because it's the Beastie Boys, that's why.

The Worst of 2011

Edge of Glory/Judas/You and I--Gaga. Why? Why? Why? Wasted potential. It sounds like a Cher album.

In The Dark--Dev. I think it's obvious why this song is on here. Stupid lyrics--what guy thinks it's sexy when a woman says "open my body up and do some surgery."

Colbie Caillat--Brighter Than the Sun. A repeat offender. Seems like she would be popular in Provo. Makes me glad I went to a Catholic University in SF.

Novocaine--Frank Ocean. Easily the worst song of the year. I'm so glad this song came and went quickly. Best line--"She's doing porn in the valley--at least she workin." Um, no.

Hold it Against Me--Britney. I can't wait for her next single "Is Your Dad a Baker Because You Have Great Buns."

S & M/California King Bed--Rihanna. You know that girl that tries too hard to be the bad girl? Yeah, that's Rihanna. And don't even get me started on her mattress song. Was her album sponsored by Sleep Train?

Lazy Song--Bruno Mars. Today, I don't feel like doing listening to this crap song, for instance.

Friday Song--Rebecca Black. Makes me pissed that the internet was invented.

Party Rock Anthem/Sexy and I Know It--LMFAO. Please go away. Please. Don't flood my 2012 list with crap music.

Around My Head--Cage the Elephant. We get it. You're artsy and edgy. You're also lame and boring.

Thoughts? Do you agree? Disagree? Hate me because I bagged on Gaga? Mad that The Biebs didn't make either list with his Christmas album?? Let's hear it!

Past lists Here, Here, and Here.


Greg said...


I had never heard Snow Patrol before so I followed your link and I have to disagree about your best song of the year designation. I could name five others that are more worthy of that title (including at least one on your top 10 list).

I also disagree re: Grenade. The singer proclaims that he would do the following for his "signficant other":

--catch a grenade
--throw his hand on a blade
--jump in front of a train

Later, he says that he is also willing to "take a bullet straight through [his] brain."

I find those lyrics to be a bit trite and silly. I mean, maybe it's just me, but hand grenades are so old fashioned. Who really even uses those anymore?

Also, if his significant other needs that many heroic interventions, she's probably much better off with a superhero anyway. I'd suggest either Superman (whose only weakness is Kryptonite and of whom Taylor Swift recently released a good tune) or Wolverine (played by Hugh Jackman, of course) whose adamantium reinforced skeleton and accelerated regenerative powers make him uniquely suited for someone who seems to be in constant danger from grenades, blades, and trains.

I agree with you regarding Adele. I just hope that they can get her voice back so that she can go on tour!

Finally, great call re: Britney's opus. You might want to trademark that title though, because I could see her actually trying to record that song!

Ashley said...

Once again I have never heard of most of these songs. Oddly I do know and like Mr. Saxobeat. My two beefs: You accuse Gaga as sounding like a Cher album--AS IF THAT'S A BAD THING. Cher rocks and is a legend and Gaga would be lucky to be compared to her. Second, what's so bad about Provo? Come on! Open up your heart to happy valley! I was going to ask why Katy Perry didn't make the list, but I think her good stuff was all 2010. In closing, I think I would really like your best of list (judging from Mr. Saxobeat) and I think you should burn these onto a best of cd for your best friends.

Elizabeth said...

I love these lists! I agree with most of it ... except I find Snow Patrol a little but zzzzz ( dont get me started on Coldplay double zzzzz). Lulu and I love "Love you like a lovesong" and the filmclip is a crack up.

Im off to google Mr Saxobeat.

The Mostess said...

Greg--you have some great points in the superhero defense strategy. What would be in your top ten??

Ashley--I cannot figure out how you know nothing on that list, and yet, you know Mr. Saxobeat. Where on earth did you hear that song?? I'm asking for real. I have to find out. It's the most obscure song.

The Mostess said...

I think those who are unimpressed with Snow Patrol aren't huge new wave fans. If you love new wave, you would love that song!

Greg said...


Sadly, I kind of gave up on the music scene in a silent protest about a decade ago when the RIAA decided to start suing poor music fans for hundreds of thousands of dollars solely for using services like Napster, Limewire, or Morpheus.

I know, I know, I'm dating myself since those services pre-date iTunes, etc. At the time, I could not understand why the Music Industry didn't embrace digital distribution rather than foisting $20 CDs on the public that only had one or two decent songs on them.

Looks like I was proven right, with a little help from Steve Jobs, Apple, iTunes, and 99 cent downloads.

At any rate, I'll try to come up with maybe a Top 10 of the year. But frankly, I can't guarantee that any of them will be Grammy material or even from 2011. But I can guarantee that I will have heard them for the first time this year! :)

And it's probably a good thing that no one I know probably reads your blog--otherwise I might be too embarrassed to even do a list.

Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Adele - Someone Like You (really anything by Adele)
2. Eminem - Not Afraid (or Love the Way You Lie, but these probably count for 2010, don't they?)
3. Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks
4. Sara Bareilles - Gonna Get Over You (Thanks Em for introducing me to this one!)
5. Black Eyed Peas - Just Can't Get Enough
6. TJ Fredette - Amazing (Yes, Jimmer is Amazing!!!)
7. Katy Perry - The One That Got Away
8. Dev - In The Dark (though I kind of hate to admit this)
9. Kesha - Blow (but I hate the version on my iPod. This song was running through my head during my first Half Ironman last spring.)
10. Taylor Swift - Superman or Back to December or several others.

I don't even know what New Wave is, so no wonder I can't appreciate Snow Patrol.

I need to try and google your Techno Euro-Trash number.

Em said...

Ooh, I've been waiting for this list! I actually can say that I agree with 98% of it!

Keeping in mind that these are your faves due to your personal musical preferences, I can excuse certain ones like the Snow Patrol song and Mr. Saxobeat, and also partly forgive your inclusion of Colbie on the Worst Of list--you know I love her. (...I didn't hate Snow Patrol, though and actually liked Mr. Saxobeat. But best of? Meh.)

I think you could've kept Lady Gaga off the Best Of list completely though. I'm so over Gaga. When she releases another "Just Dance," I'll be back on board.

Thank you for keeping Adele where she belongs, and Riri and Britney where they belong. (Although, Riri's We Found Love...I like it.)

But where oh where is our Adam Levine? Moves Like Jagger was The Song of the summer.

That said, I love all your choices and especially LOVE your inclusion of Selena Gomez. This tells me so many good things about you.

Em said...

Greg did NOT just put TJ Fredette on his list!!! Maybe it's a good thing he doesn't have a profile picture yet...just in case someone he knows reads this blog. ;)

Mostess, I just checked out the Joey McIntyre Christmas album and I was blown away by O Holy Night. I really was. But his attempt to cover Barbra Streisand's Jingle Bells was a big big big mistake. Lea Michele? Maybe. Joey McIntyre? No! Other than that, thanks for the recommendation!

Greg said...

Yes, TJ Fredette. Ah-frickin-mazing! Do you want the link? I love it when that song comes up on my iPod when I'm running!

Also, Kaari, I have heard Mr. Saxobeat and think it is worthy of your list. (I just didn't know what the song was called due to my self-imposed boycott of the music industry.)

Em, good call on Moves Like Jagger. I just wonder if it has staying power or not...we shall see.

Greg said...

and one more thing, I'm not sure that I can consider Selena Gomez's entry for this list, since it's not even her favorite song of mine. The one I would select would have been on last year's list, naturally. ;)

Ashley said...

Seema plays Mr. Saxobeat in Bosu Bootcamp at the Y--COME BAAAAACK.

brooke said...

Everytime you do a post like this I realize how horribly out of touch I am with the music industry. I still like Kenny Chesney and Elton John and Bare Naked LAdies.

As I read through your top ten, I thought "Where is Edge of Glory" and then there it was on your top ten worst. Agree to disagree!