Saturday, September 11, 2010

Toni Braxton Contractions

Mini keeps threatening to arrive early. Hopefully, she stays tucked away where she belongs for the next 2 weeks. I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions with increasing frequency. We affectionately call them 'Toni Braxton Contractions' in our household. This always makes me laugh, because it reminds me of the last time we were in Vegas together. Ms. Braxton was hosting a long-running gig at The Flamingo Hotel, and she was plastered on the entire side of the building, like so:

One night we were trying to decide what show to see, and Lance "casually" suggested we check out the Toni Braxton show. I suspected his intentions were less than pure, and that it had to do more with her scantily-cladness, and less with her music. I told him I would love to go....if he could name 2 songs she sang. He gave it the ol' college try and came up with one paltry song. We saw Blue Man Group.

Can't blame a guy for trying. Even I had to admit her 27 story gams were quite impressive.

In any case, Toni always comes and goes, never lasting more than an hour to an hour and a half total. We've had some bad sleep over the last two weeks, and I think we've sadly decide that this is our only solution. For him--not me, of course.

Whimpering, sighing, and the toss/turn combo had been hard on the both of us. Toni also likes to make an appearance between the hours of 2 and 5 am, which doesn't help. The advice nurse at Kaiser always asks if I'm drinking enough water.

Yep, got it covered . 5 gallons each, people. The Arrowhead Man is going to wonder what's going on in this household.

While Mini's been Baking away like a cute little muffin, we've finished all of the things on our to-do list. We dropped a small fortune at Whole Foods last night picking up GF snackies for the hospital, and the few weeks after. I have bread, muffins, crackers, bread, soups, and bagels all tucked away in the freezer. I was also delighted to find these new GF pretzels from Snyder's--and Glutino made my life worth living by releasing chocolate covered GF pretzels. I'm. in. heaven.

My hospital bag is all packed up in case we need to flee in the middle of the night--a whole block and a half away. We're so close to the hospital that I'm convinced I could be in full on labor and still ride my bike over there in a 'worst case scenario' situation. This helps me feel much better.

Here's hoping Mini stays put for the next 2 weeks like a fine little obedient baby. Here's also hoping that my tree-trunk cankles, formerly known as my ankles, decide to return quickly after the little muffin is sprung. I think Lance is getting worried.


Lance said...

Guilty as charged. Like you say, can't blame a guy for trying!

Ashley said...

I can't name two Toni songs either, though I'm sure I'd know every word if I heard them playing at the Jungle. Toni's visits in the night are no fun at all. I know two weeks seems like an eternity right now but you will be on the flip side before you know it!

I'm jealous of your high-brow water service.

Kristine Gray said...

Let's hope Mini is more considerate then my little man. I think you have everything covered, just take it easy.

brooke said...

If Lance agrees to sleep on the air mattress I will be impressed.

I hope she does surprise you just a bit. Every one of mine surprised me and after the fact, I loved it. Since I am so rarely surprised in life, I love that babies do that do us!

By the way, when I was pregnant with one of my kids, Sam turned to me in all seriousness and said "I'm going to need you back" implying that he expected me to lose the 50 pounds of weight I was carrying along with some other unsightly pregnancy conditions. He will deny it to this day but he did say it.

Hayley said...

let's hope your bike tires are pumped, just in case you do have to haul yourself to kaiser.

i'm with ashley...i would know all the lyrics i'm sure, but for the life of me i can't think of a single song right now.'s coming...i hear a low, womanly-manly voice...but alas i still can't target what the song is.

and just for you, i did remove a pic from the pirate party that showcased your cankles in the background. thought you'd be appreciative. that's what friends are for, right?