Friday, June 12, 2009

Casting Call

I am holding a casting call for Eclipse. As we all know, New Moon wrapped, and they will begin shooting Eclipse in a few months. I know they are technically just looking for "Native American Indian" actors, but I would like to suggest that a good level 3 spray tan can do the trick.

Why the casting call? Because boring Bella went and dyed her hair black. And chopped it off. Into a mullet.You simply cannot pair the man with THE GREATEST HAIR ON EARTH with that hot mullety mess. Therefore, I would like to cast a new Bella.

May I strongly suggest the following candidate?

I know it's for the Joan Jett biopic, and it won't last forever...blah, blah, blah. But I have high hair standards, and I just don't think her ugly do should be anywhere near Edward's delightful coif. What if it rubs off? What if he gets a mullet?

Meh--moot point--still hot.


Ashley said...

Bella: Thought she was a dude in that pic until you explained.

RPat: I know you'll think I'm crazy, but he doesn't do it for me. I can smell his reek through my computer.

You: Hot indeed.

Stephanie said...

You are too funny. I'm sure you will be having the best party ever when the next movie comes out. I may have to invite myself to it!

brooke said...

Is that really Kristen Stewart? Nasty. I disagree with Ashley. I love Edward and his beautiful hair and I don't care if it stinks, he is the prettiest thing I've ever seen. I'm pulling for you for the part of Bella. I have high hair standards too. The husband doesn't understand but there are some things a girl must pay top dollar for.