Monday, May 16, 2011


Blakely has racked up an impressive string of firsts. Here are a few.

First family day at the park. Who knew that playing with sand toys in the grass is just as fun as playing with them in the sand?

First leery exchange with Logan--hands off my toys, Dogface!

First time at the beach, including a faceplant right into the sand. Awesome. Leg rolls like these are meant for showing off at the beach.

First time enjoying food! I thought Beezie hated solids. Mealtime was a total struggle, and she flat out refused to eat. I even talked to her doctor about it. On a lark, I grabbed some silicone spoons at Target. Turns out she hated the spoons, not the food. Now she happily scarfs down her fruits, veggies, oatmeal, puffs and melts like the happy little pudge I knew she was destined to be.

First scoot! Crawling is for babies, so B scoots on her booty. I place her a few feet away from her toy bin, and after a few minutes I look over and see this:

To say that B loves her toys is an understatement. She is IN LOVE with them. She definitely inherited Lance's ability to concentrate. She will sit and play for hours.

When she gets bored with the toys she has out, she scoots over to the bin, and pulls new ones out.

Jojo and I did a roadtrip to Manteca, where Beezie made great strides. First, she sat in the cart at Target.

Then she was playing at Auntie Claudette's, and started trying to pull herself up using the table. Next, she was leveraging the sofa.

And now it's all standing, all the time. Heaven help me.

First Giants Game! It was also her first time on a train. We went with my friend Alyssa, and her son, Ryan. I borrowed a little jersey for her from Colin, and it was so cute. To make her less of a dude, I paired it with a pink shirt and ruffly jeans. It didn't help. Everyone we met referred to her as "little dude" and "little feller." She may have a confusing identity crisis later in life, and I will have to cite this as the reason.

Ryan and Blakely...holding hands. I love it!

All aboard!

Alyssa and Ryan checking out the action on the train

Beezie perfected the art of screaming at the umpire. "Yo, Ump!! What are you, blind?? You're killing me over here!!!"

First time without a barky cough! Since she was about 3 months old, Blake had a dry, barky cough. It drew lots of rude looks, and questions from strangers. No, my baby does not have whooping cough. No, my baby does not have croup. I got used to stating "it's not contagious!!" after each cough. I did a little research, and found out that slight acid reflux can cause a chronic cough. She started on Pepcid, and lo and behold, the cough is now gone. Hallelujah. So long, seal bark!

First teeth! After drooling for months, the little white buds have sprouted! She has 2 little teeth on the bottom. They're so cute!

You can see them in this picture from her disastrous 6 month baby shoot. More on that later. This pretty much summed up the entire shoot.

I got in a few firsts of my own as well. For starters, it was my first Mother's Day. Lancer and Beezie got me flowers, a card, and a charm for my necklace. It's a silver flip-flop. I wear flip-flops every day, so it was perfect.

I love being a Mom. I have a happy, easy baby that makes me smile and laugh all day. She sleeps, she eats, she plays. She never cries, though she is certainly throwing little tantrums when she's unhappy--including pinching! She's my little sidekick, and I love having her with me wherever I go.

Next up--Gluten Free Rice Krispies. It's nice to have an option besides Chex.

And, last but not least, I didn't complain about not being able to go on the 3rd annual NKOTB cruise. That was a first!

Actually, that picture kind of scares me. Counting down the days to my July concert in LA!


Toria said...

you know what would solve the problem of mis-identified gender- a headband with a huge flower!!!!
I remember how much you love those- did you forget it at home ?

you sure have a cutie!

Dayna said...

This is a GREAT POST! Love all the firsts! She is just adorable!

Ashley said...

She really is the best baby. And she is totally a mix of you and Lance--she is so your guys' baby. I am jealous every time I go to pick up screaming Bennett at the Y and B is sitting with a big grin.

I do not approve of the giant's jersey. No borrowing clothes from boys!

Molly said...

This is an adorable post. Seriously. And I love that she scoots around to her toys. I'm excited for when Liam is sitting up.

Elizabeth said...

I love your MD pressie and I am so glad B is happy and you are finding being a Mum good fun. I did too and I always felt really bad for my friends who had screamers and non sleepers.
I concur with Toria ... get the kid a huge flower for her head!

brooke said...

She is advanced. Maybe she could come over and teach Buster a thing or two.